Cover design. Typesetting. Illustrations. Infographics.
As a writer and author your book is your pride and joy, you’ve spent an incredible amount of time and effort writing it, and your book’s design should reflect that. I have always loved books, both reading them and designing them, and I can help you to create a book that you will love, and be proud of, from front to back cover.
I have experience working within the publishing industry – working on both fiction and non-fictions titles, as well as designing children's books and educational text books. Here are the main areas of book design that I can help you with:
Cover design: an eye-catching cover design will capture the essence of your book and entice readers to pick up your book.
Typesetting: the layout design of your book's pages in incredibly important –ensuring suitable fonts are used, and that your book has optimal readability and aesthetic appeal for your readers.
Illustrations and infographics. Depending on your book’s topic, it may benefit from spot illustrations to engage with your reader. Or for non-fiction titles you may need engaging infographics or diagrams to help explain more complicated information.

Print-ready files and book mock-ups: you will be provided with the final files for printing, set up to the specifications of your printer. I can also create professional looking image mock-ups to promote your book on social media and online stores.
Below are some examples of book projects I have worked on – click the image to see more details about that particular project or return to 'projects' page to see more.